Safety blog: Driving in the Rain

NEVER DRIVE IN THE RAIN WITH YOUR CRUISE CONTROL ENGAGED! Your vehicle will literally FLY through the air above wet pavement if your cruise control has been engaged. On wet or icy pavement your tires may lose contact with the pavement, and you will speed up and become airborne. If pavement is wet, your cruise…

Safety Blog: Clean the Glass

The two benefits of cleaning your vehicle’s glass are that (1) you can see better – especially at night and in times of high glare: sun-up and sun-down, and (2) other vehicle drivers can see you better – so that  collisions can be avoided. Your headlights deserve special attention, for they not only make it easier for…

Safety Blog: Safety & Discount Motels

     A 1,000 mile trip, or two adjoining 500 mile trips entitles you to a SAFETY MOTEL: a motel for which MTI will subsidize your cost.      Other motels are your expense, but MTI – negotiated discounts can take the sting out of paying for a night in a motel with three different discount programs:…

Safety Blog: Driving with School Buses

There are laws governing driving on the highways with school buses which must be observed: * Drivers traveling in the same direction as buses are ALWAYS required to stop when buses do. * Vehicles may NOT pass a school bus until the flashing red lights have been turned off. * Drivers approaching a school bus…

Drive Away Exemptions

There are some violations that a drive away driver should NEVER receive: as our service is one-time transportation of what are often unlicensed, untitled vehicles, we have been granted three exceptions to the law: 393.95 (1) (6) exempts drive away drivers from the requirement to carry a fire extinguisher and reflective triangles. 396.15 exempts drive…

Safety 9-24-13

  Please check your legalization packets and make sure you have a current insurance certificate.  The current insurance certificate expires on 6/1/14.  If you have an old one, please stop in an office and pick up a new one or ask any office to fax or mail, or email you one. Please drive safely and remember…

Important Mailing 9/18/13!!

Hello business partners! We have mailed the Annual Certificate of Violations to your house today. We need you to sign those and send them back to us as soon as possible. Don’t forget that we offer $300.00 for each new contractor referral. Once they complete 10 loads, you will get $300.00 added to your settlement!…